Our lives are not small, shallow moments of consumption, consumerism, and entertainment. The message humming through our modern world would have us believe otherwise; everywhere we turn we see images of people with more than we have, better looks, more money, having more fun, driving better cars, living in better…
Illusion of Weakness Sermon
This sermon is a bit out there. I went out on a limb and gave a sermon as a guised archetype…guising is a form of mystical trance where you draw down a character. I wrote and delivered the sermon as Li Tei Quai, a Taoism immortal of Chinese kung-fu legend.…
The 7 UU Principles
I’ve decided to take a deeper look at the 7 Unitarian Universalist principles. As I look back on my life, and my spiritual practice in martial arts, mysticism, as well as my professional life, I have come to realize that I’ve been living these principles whether I identified myself as…