A sermon delivered May 25, 2014, Memorial Day weekend, that might be more accurately titled “Staying Goodbye Well.” You can download a PDF of the sermon here WholeShebang or watch the YouTube video.
Loving Kindness Sermon
This is a sermon delivered at South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society on February 2, 2014 that I just realized I never linked to my blog here. You can download a PDF here LovingKindness and the YouTube video is available below. Loving Kindness Video
Sermon: Parable of the Ten Talents
This is a short (about 9 minutes) sermon that I did for spiritual preaching class at Iliff School of Theology. It uses a style of inductive preaching called delaying the story, and actually uses three different stories in connected metaphor to imply a message. If you pay attention you will…
Reflections on Worth and Dignity
This sermon was delivered on July 7, 2013 at South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society during our summer of our seven principles. This was the first in a series of worship services centered around the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism. Our first principle is really one of the foundations of our…
God, Who?
Last week I gave the guest sermon at Pocatello Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (PUUF) entitled God, Who? about our relationship to God, the word, the concept, the presence, and conceptualizing God as a process unfolding, rather than as a personage – more of a Tao than an identity. There is ample…
The Big Bang, Jesus and an Empty Chair
This sermon, entitled “The Gratitude Mystery” was delivered at South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society in 2012. The video footage is available on youtube OR if you prefer, you can download and read the PDF.
SVUUS Membership Reflection
This January I did a brief reflection at South Valley Unitarian Universalist about why I love the community. I have had several requests for copies, so I am putting it up here on gnosticity for posterity. Its copyrighted with the creative commons CC-BY-SA license, so if its useful, grab it…
Compassion Sermon
After the Emma the Dog experience, our worship team asked if I would be willing to do a sermon on compassion. Here it is. It is based around our second principle, “Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.” I think it was well received this morning. Enjoy. 2011 Compassion Sermon
Illusion of Weakness Sermon
This sermon is a bit out there. I went out on a limb and gave a sermon as a guised archetype…guising is a form of mystical trance where you draw down a character. I wrote and delivered the sermon as Li Tei Quai, a Taoism immortal of Chinese kung-fu legend.…
Extreme Welcoming Sermon
Last month in January, I had the good fortune to “inherit” a service because our consulting minister was called out of town unexpectedly (well, kind-of unexpectedly). The title was already set and the topic already published; Extreme Welcoming. I got into thinking about what makes up the idea of welcoming,…