It is time that I put the presentations and documents put together during my second CPE residency out and available online. These materials are published with the gracious permission of Episcopal Community Services in Salt Lake City, Utah, who paid for my residency during which I engaged in this research.
This first piece is the reference list of sources and studies that I used. It includes all of the journal articles, books and materials used in assembling the next documents and presentation. As I publish the other materials on this blog, I will link back to this reference list. I am sorry, I cannot provide copies of articles. However, if you use an academic research system, or contact the journals listed on this reference list, I am sure they can provide you with copies for their regular fees.
The point of my research residency was to couple patient care and clinical pastoral education study with research work to examine what studies have been done to look at the impact of spirituality and spiritual care on the patient experience, patient outcomes, and healthcare cost. There is a large body of research. I hope that publishing my work and making it generally available will help other chaplains, spiritual care professionals, ministers and healthcare organizations improve the spiritual support we offer patients and families while they are in our care. Spiritual care is not the same as religiosity. Spirituality is where we find purpose, meaning and connectivity in our lives. Religion may be a part of that. When we look after patients and families in healthcare, their spirituality is profoundly important to their journey, whether that includes religion or not.
I am grateful to the Episcopal Community Services in Salt Lake City Utah for supporting me through this residency, and investing into this work. I look forward to publishing the rest of it online.
Here is the reference list for the work.
Great work, John!