This sermon was delivered on July 7, 2013 at South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society during our summer of our seven principles. This was the first in a series of worship services centered around the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism. Our first principle is really one of the foundations of our…
God, Who?
Last week I gave the guest sermon at Pocatello Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (PUUF) entitled God, Who? about our relationship to God, the word, the concept, the presence, and conceptualizing God as a process unfolding, rather than as a personage – more of a Tao than an identity. There is ample…
She Walks Through
She moves in the shadows, whispering quiet tones in hushed voices Our loud, clanging ways wash over her, hiding In the quiet spaces between Discovery Try to expect her, I dare you She comes with a laugh You hope When not overheard but listened Only the brave, the bold Make…
Theology of Now
I have been doing a class on Practical Theology and struggling a bit, so am going to come back to this blog to explore some thoughts, ideas and invite reflection in comment. If you read this, and you have thoughts, please, comment. Classical “Theology” is a “discourse on God” so…